Disaster Recovery for a Top Leading Gambling Vendor

The “Company” is a well-recognized provider of highly performing games, slot machines, and gaming solutions. The “Company” has 20 years of history and installations in more than 50 jurisdictions, offices, and distributors in more than 15 countries, and a dedicated team of more than 1500 professionals.

The Challenge

Because of their widespread presence and services running in many different time zones, their IT systems run 24/7/365. Having their own private data center the “Company” needed to set up a disaster recovery plan in case of a stoppage of services due to a local hardware failure. That is why the “Company” contacted our Sirma data center to use the Disaster Recovery services.

The Solution

A custom solution was implemented with all of “Company“‘s servers and data replicated via a secured L2 network tunnel to Sirma data center cloud platform storages. The process is organized in a specific way, allowing the “Company” IT personnel to have full and direct control over the replication process. In case of disaster, the servers will be started in Sirma cloud service platform. Several stress tests were performed to validate the process.  

The Result

Having a disaster recovery plan always pays off, because several years after the solution was implemented, critical malfunction in the main storage of the “Company” local IT infrastructure provoked the launch of the procedure. Soon after, their services were back on and fully operational as their servers were started in Sirma cloud platform. 

According to our non-disclosure agreement, we are presenting Sirma’s involvement in the project without revealing the name of the contracting company.
