BBC Uses Semantic Technology for Better Media Outreach of Sports Events  


The global media corporation BBC used semantic technology to streamline the distribution and management of its original content. Owing to this knowledge-based technology, the organization has taken on a novel approach to the creation, enrichment, and reuse of journalistic materials. The result was the development of a Dynamic Semantic Publishing Framework and consequently a Linked Data Platform, with the core technology of Sirma AI/Ontotext.

The Challenge

The BBC Future Media team had to address the problem of how to transform its media static CMS and publishing platform. BBC’s technology professionals decided to implement a next-generation framework for dynamic semantic content publishing, which to empower a Linked Data Platform. Another important task was to achieve enhanced navigation and better user experience on the web site. The ultimate goal was to bring down human-led editorial management of content assets.

‌In a nutshell, the media corporation expected to increase content aggregation in volumes, utilize and repurposing of available assets, and eventually optimize its operational costs.

The Solution:

Dynamic Semantic Publishing Framework Leading to a Linked Data Platform

The project began with the development of the Dynamic Semantic Publishing (DSP) architecture for the BBC’s 2010 World Cup website. The software curates and publishes HTML and RDF aggregations based on embedded Linked Data identifiers, ontologies, and associated inference. RDF semantics improves the secondary utilization of already created content, search engine rankings, along with introducing levels of automation determined by a journalist (“edited by exception”), and support for smart advertisement placement for audiences outside of the UK. The Linked Data Platform enables multi-dimensional entry points and better navigation, significantly improving user experience and engagement.

The Result:

The BBC has acknowledged the significant strategic advantage of being able to deliver content smarter and with greater detail than possible at the time. Owing to the proprietary technology of Sirma AI/Ontotext, the most prominent news organization is now able to use content in multiple ways, across divisions, and to achieve an incredible outreach while reducing production costs.

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