New Stock Exchange Code for Sirma's Shares

Sirma’s shares listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange will be traded with a new exchange code

The Bulgarian Stock Exchange announced a change in the registered companies’ stock exchange codes. The new abbreviations are intuitive, closer to the companies’ names, and this will facilitate all participants in the capital market. The change in stock exchange codes was discussed in mid-January and received the consent of nearly 300 issuers registered on the BSE.

The new BSE Code of Sirma Group Holding is SGH, the old one(SKK) will be in use until February 14, 2021. The ISIN Code remains the same BG1100032140. To better communicate the changes, the new codes will enter into force on February 15, 2021. Until then, members of the BSE, news agencies and other users of information services will adapt their systems and change the codes of issuers of shares and financial instruments admitted to trading in the segment of exchange-traded products.

The new Exchange codes are available here
