European Public Sector Award for Sirma Solutions Project

The National Council on prices and reimbursement of medicinal products was awarded the European Public Sector Award (EPSA2019). The prize was given for its “National Information System for Pricing and Reimbursement of Medicinal Products in the Republic of Bulgaria.” The system was developed and implemented by the Sirma Solutions team and recognized as best practice in the category “European / National IT Project.”

The ceremony took place on November 4, 2019, where the prominent projects have been awarded at a high-level event held at the Maastricht City Hall, and hosted by Maastricht Deputy Mayor Mrs. Vivian Heinen. The Mayor and Prof. Dr. Marga Pröll, former Director-General of the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), presented the awards to the nominees.

EPSA2019 seeks to highlight public service projects that demonstrate how the public sector responds effectively to significant challenges in the field. It aims to develop policies that address the increasingly complex and challenging issues facing the public sector in Europe.

The official announcement, also available on Bulgarian.
